Welcome to this comprehensive course focused on the intricate finale of Maurice Ravel's renowned composition, Gaspard de la Nuit. Purposefully crafted to be exceptionally challenging, Scarbo, known for its blood-chilling narrative, frequently evokes not only a sense of awe in the audience but also presents a formidable task for pianists daring to perform it.

Over the course of two hours, I will systematically guide you through the intricacies of this piece, imparting valuable tips and learning strategies that proved to be effective in my own recent work on this piece. Moreover, I will provide insightful interpretational suggestions, aiding you in crafting a compelling and vibrant rendition of this challenging composition.

In this 2-hour lesson I go through the whole piece, elaborating on:

  • How to memorize it efficiently
  • Fingering suggestion and other tricks
  • Motion coordination, tension-free efficient technique development
  • Interpretation, phrasing, pedalling, etc., in order to bring your performance as close as possible to professional standards, and help you creating a vibrant rendition.

Not sure? Check out a free Introductory lesson below!

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